Connor's Run 2004!

A great big huge thank you to Bill & Karen Reilly, Marsha, all the people whose names I wish I had so I could list here, who put in so much time, energy, work and heart into this run for the second year in a row!  Also many thanks go to all the people who attended, pledged, walked, ran, organized, or just went.  They did an AMAZING job for SMA Support!  SMA Support is using these funds as the means to get all the families it possibly can to the FSMA Conference in June and families to the SMA Support gathering in August.   The purpose of SMA Support is to provide support to families that isn't covered by insurance, and what better method of support exists than seeing, meeting, and talking with other kids and parents dealing with the same issues each of us are, to say nothing of workshops, talk sessions, etc.  So on behalf of everyone who worked so hard on this fundraiser, and SMA Support, THANK YOU!

For pictures of the event, please go to Connor's Website at!

Meet the Reilly Family, the family behind Connor's Fun Run 2003 & 2004, as well as the idea people behind 04/04/04!  Karen, Bill, Tim, Owen and Connor!


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